A Technological Partner for Your Pilates Studio

Bewe was designed alongside industry leaders such as Brent Anderson, the founder of Polestar Pilates. The software was born to address wellness industry business needs after its creator witnessed firsthand the challenges and hurdles of owning a wellness studio. Bewe is an intuitive platform, comprehensive, user-friendly, and cloud-based, allowing data to be secure and workflows to be streamlined efficiently.

Bewe’s goal will always be to enable businesses to expand and improve their processes in order to effectively achieve their goals.

We constantly develop our available and new features so the software accommodates the needs of studios of all sizes. Since Bewe is a management software, many tasks like reservation, automatic rules and recurring payments can be automated so you can control everything from one place.

Why Bewe?

We provide alternatives to simplify the booking process, allowing you to synchronize everything automatically and have access to all available appointments. We understand technology is moving fast, and therefore as a business, we need to keep up with the growth and opportunities technological advances give us.

Bewe focuses on finding solutions by listening to our clients’ needs and recommendations. We are aware you are the professionals, the ones who work day-to-day with a system and therefore, the ones who understand what is needed.

We look forward to innovating and facilitating various options for different types of businesses to operate without complications. We understand business is important, however administrative tasks should not keep you from enjoying your own growth!

Easily measure the most important data of your business so you can identify new opportunities and increase your profits. Visualize from an easy-to-understand dashboard all the results of the processes you carry out so you can make decisions as needed, customize everything you want to be able to see so that each data tracking is done precisely, and reduce the amount of time collecting information manually.

As you optimize each process, you can focus on improving and deepening the relationships you have with each customer to provide them with 100% personalized attention that will increase their satisfaction with your services and will surely make them loyal to you.

Pro tip: A customer who is delighted with your brand will spread the word to their family and friends about the great advantages of consuming your products or services. If you deliver on their expectations, they will always notice the benefits of your brand and will make sure that others know about it.

It’s not just about selling, it’s about creating positive customer experiences, meaning you can inform them of new products, send promotions and reminders with information that lets them know that they are important to you. A fully satisfied customer doesn’t just buy once, they buy for life.

You may already have built a solid foundation for managing your wellness studio, but implementing the right tools will make a difference to your competitors, employees and customer satisfaction. Discover all the ways we can help you succeed at bewe.io (bewe.io/us/home) Increase your profits with a leading management software as Bewe is.

Bewe’s Clients Testimonials:

Because of Bewe, Misty in Colorado is able to create a video gallery so she can go on vacations and assure her clients can still access her classes.

Donna in New York was able to close her Zoom account and take full advantage of our own meeting installation.

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