Ava Rodriguez Ava Rodriguez

Grumpy Knees and Wobbly Legs: Rethinking Knee Training in Pilates

Knees are tricky. When they hurt, we stretch, strengthen, modify, and adapt around the pain… yet many clients still struggle.

Why? As instructors, we’re great at addressing the surrounding muscles—quads, hamstrings, glutes—but what if that’s not enough? What if the missing piece isn’t in the big muscles at all, but in the joints themselves?

This was the central question in my workshop, Grumpy Knees and Wobbly Legs, at Pilates Method Alliance Educates. We know how to modify around knee pain, but modifications don’t solve problems—they work around them. If we want to create lasting change, we need to move beyond strengthening alone and start thinking about how the knee actually functions.

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