Professionalism for Members
Pilates Method Alliance Code of Ethics
The PMA’s Code of Ethics sets forth the principles and ethical standards that underlie Pilates teachers’ professional responsibilities and conduct. These principles and standards should be used as guidelines when examining everyday professional activities. They constitute normative statements for Pilates teachers and provide guidance on issues that Pilates teachers may encounter in their professional work.
Scope of Practice
Scope of practice describes the services that a Pilates professional is deemed competent to perform and permitted to undertake.
File a Complaint
If you would like to submit an ethics complaint concerning a PMA member please email us to request an Ethics Charge Statement.
Suspensions & Revocations
In our role serving the public’s trust and in accordance with the rules and procedures regarding ethical and professional disciplinary complaints – the PMA publishes sanctions imposed on members found to be in violation of the Code of Ethics and/or Scope of Practice.

“Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it. Since we cannot live without breathing it is tragically deplorable to contemplate the millions and millions who have never mastered the art of correct breathing.”
— Joseph H. Pilates